Advice on environmental laws

Now in Cofeseg, we also have the exclusive collaboration of environmental experts such as Idexma, a strategic consulting firm with more than 20 years of experience in the mining and industrial sector. Specialized in environmental regulations and sustainability, they guarantee a professional treatment adapted to the needs of each situation.
The services most in demand are:
- Quarries opening study
- Environmental Permits
- Waste Management
- Restoration Plans
- Environmental Control and Monitoring
Environmental Permits
- Environmental Authorizations
- Non-Substantial Modifications
- Environmental Communications
- Environmental Impact Studies (ordinary, abbreviated and/or simplified)
- Environmental Risk Analysis: calculation of financial guarantees for insurance (Environmental Liability Law). Use of MORAT tool (Ministry of the Environment) and implementation/observance of the UNE 15008 Standard
Waste management
- Legal advice and authorizations
- Non-Substantial Modifications
- Waste Minimization Studies
- Economic and waste management optimization studies
- Landfills
- Waste characterization in a UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory
Restoration Plans
- Mining Restoration and other areas (preparation of plans and projects)
- Flora and Fauna Inventories (studies of biodiversity and impact on the Natura 2000 Network)
- Geographic Information Systems (environmental mapping GIS)
Environmental control and monitoring
- Internal Environmental Audits: technical assistance for permanent compliance with legislation and conditions/requirements of Environmental Authorizations. Outsourcing of the environmental department with the following objectives: reduce costs of qualified personnel, avoid penalties and maintain the Certified Environmental Management System (ISO 14001)
- PRTR-Spain: State Registry of Emissions and Pollutant Sources
- Environmental Monitoring Plans (PVA): explicit conditioning of the Impact Statements (DIA) and positive Environmental Reports
- Environmental Monitoring in Works: requirement of the DIA within the scope of the PVA
- Certified Environmental Management System (ISO 14001): implementation and certification support
- Technological advice on environmental protection equipment: water, emissions, energy efficiency and waste management
- Measurements (emissions and noise): strategic alliances oriented to the client's benefit (quality/price) with Authorized Control Bodies (OCA)
- Sanctioning: Environmental Expert Reports for trials and written/management of allegations to eliminate/reduce the amount of the sanction to the maximum
- Water and Carbon Footprint Calculation