Since its inception, COFESEG has provided services in the stone quarrying market, always offering its reliability and quality of service as a priority sales argument. Aware that the current times require a further step towards environmental sustainability and efficient energy management as an integral part of the management of the company, with this document establishes the new framework for the achievement of the objectives and goals from the date of approval.

COFESEG further recognises that this new approach requires the participation of the company’s staff and all our collaborators without whom it would be unfeasible and that our main objective will be to comply with all applicable regulatory and other agreed requirements, which will be considered as a starting point.

This document affects all our activities of sale, distribution and repair of machinery and spare parts for stone quarrying and is part of our integrated management system in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001 and UNE-EN ISO 50001 standards.

The commitments assumed by COFESEG, established by our management and shared not only by our team, but also by all our collaborators are:

The Management of COFESEG, by means of this document, undertakes to disseminate and update its content and to define the objectives of the organisation within the framework of the points defined above.