Cofeseg consolidates its position in the market with more than 120 Econetic machines sold

The Econetic wire machines, marketed by Cofeseg, are growing at a sustained pace based on three criteria consolidated and confirmed by customers: product quality, in-house technical service and energy savings.

Three years ago, when Cofeseg launched the innovative Econetic machines with Permanent Magnet Technology, “we had more doubts than certainties, as with all project start-ups. Today, after more than 120 machines sold, customers confirm their choice thanks to the three factors mentioned above,” says Sergio Chaparro, manager of Cofeseg.

The quality of the products used in the machine, the innovation applied from the vision of satisfying the needs of customers, an in-house technical service with spare parts available in Spain, delivered within 24/48 hours, added to the energy savings of up to 30%, make the Econetic a reference solution for today’s quarries.

In addition to its success in the Spanish and Portuguese, Angolan and Zimbabwean markets, the French market was also added, with the purchase of two 100 hp Econetic machines by Polycor France.

“This company needed a solution to make cuts of more than 650 square meters, therefore, it trusted Econetic 100 hp to carry out the task, purchasing one unit in mid-2022 and a new Econetic in early 2023, confirming the excellent result achieved,” adds Sergio Chaparro.

In Angola, Cofeseg continues to add new clients. In 2023, the company sold more than seven new machines, two in Zimbabwe, and in February an Econetic arrived on the Mozambican market.

“Constant innovation allows us to currently offer different options: with Digital Control, Wireless, with IoT, and soon with its own mobility.

The quality-price ratio complements an offer that is especially profitable economically and environmentally sustainable, unique today, to the satisfaction of our clients, with verifiable results,” says Sergio.