Cofeseg at Marmomac: “The innovation that will change the extraction model is coming”

The Verona Marmomac fair, which runs from 26 to 29 September, will mark a turning point in the way quarries are exploited thanks to the introduction of the double-disc machine in Europe by Cofeseg. This system will revolutionise the way of working, increase production and optimise investment in machinery.

Cofeseg says that it will be a progressive task and not without effort, but that it will certainly mark a milestone in the evolution of natural stone extraction systems. «The arrival of this new technology will not be assumed overnight. Logically, it will be implemented gradually, in the medium and long term. This is due to many factors such as, for example, the need for a change of mentality on the part of quarry owners, or the reluctance to change of many managers who have been working with the traditional system for years,” says Sergio Chaparro, manager of Cofeseg, a company that has been committed to this transformation from the beginning. In addition, the implementation of Double Disc machines implies a recycling of the existing machinery park in a quarry, “something that not everyone is willing to carry out quickly. In any case, what has been proven is that the work system with Double Disc machines allows to improve productivity by reducing and optimizing the resources of the exploitation,” he emphasizes.

A preliminary study to determine the needs of each operation will be very important for quarrymen in order to plan an appropriate and gradual transition. “Currently, not all quarries are prepared for this type of process. To do this, it is necessary to know what the objectives of each one are and the short and medium term extraction potential. In this way, it will be possible to adapt the new work system, raise awareness among staff and, little by little, replace the existing machines with double-disc machines,” says Andrea Serrai, geologist and technical manager of Cofeseg.

“It is an exciting challenge, as happened with the implementation of diamond wire cutting, more than 20 years ago. At that time, there were bold entrepreneurs who quickly embraced the new trends, while others showed more reservations and skepticism, something that will possibly happen with double-disc machines,” concludes Andrea Serrai.

Cofeseg promotes innovative proposals that defend the principle of sustainable profitability. «As proof of this, we continue to bet on the low-consumption Econetic technology, present in the new double-disc machines from the leading manufacturer Huada Group», explains Sergio Chaparro.

Cofeseg will be in Hall 2, Stand C1, where you can find out more about these and other new products.